Another Place walking loop
A short 5.8km walk from the hotel. Easy to moderate with a good climb and a little steep in places with views over Ullswater. Suitable for any time of year.
Walk overview
Total Distance: 5.8 km - Time: 1 hour 40 minutes
A short walk (or run) from the door of the hotel, starting along the edge of Ullswater and climbing to a reasonable height, with stunning views at the higher points of the walk.
Easy to moderate
This walk can be done from the hotel, no driving needed.
What to bring:
Sturdy walking shoes or wellies, a waterproof coat, a drink, sun cream, hat, camera.
Straight from our door
A walk for any weather or time of year. A short walk, but enough to feel that you’ve blown the cobwebs away and taken in some of the breath-taking scenery that surround the hotel. Build up an appetite before lunch or dinner and combine with an afternoon spent relaxing in the hotel.